RV Details

Reg :- G-CCZT

Owner(s) :- B McPheat & J Roberts
Serial No :- PFA 320-13777
Location :- Bucks
Type :- RV9
Status :- Flying
Engine :-
Ign :-
Prop :-

Website :-

Notes :-

I''m pleased to announce that today (22/01/05) G-CCZT took to the air for the first time in the capable hands of Neil Onions the test pilot who flew Richard Garforths RV9A. It performed to specification climbing out at 1500ft/min on a 150HP 0-320 with a Chris Lodge prop giving 140kts at 2500rpm. Apart from needing trimming to reduce right rudder it flew faultlessly. For those interested it weighed in at 1041lbs painted. The Dynon appears to work very well but will report further in due course. Thanks to Vans for producing a fine aeroplane and to all those who have helped me along the way particularly my inspector Alan Hartfield and Jerry Parr, aviation guru par excellence (no pun intended), for their help and support.

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